Crafting the Perfect Wine List

Searching for the secret ingredient to make a restaurant thrive? Look no further than a glass of red.

A wine list can make the difference between a restaurant being forgettable or standing out, and it can be instrumental in improving your restaurant’s bottom line. Wine provides outstanding potential for markup--an average of 500 to 600 percent, according to Consolidated Food Service. And those guests who order wine are also more likely to order dessert and appetizers, tacking on even more profit to the tab.

However, maximizing those profits requires a strategy. Data shows that the average guest spends about 109 seconds looking at a restaurant menu, giving you less than two minutes to attract your customers. Needless to say, having a strategy around planning and designing your wine list is essential. The more accessible you can make your wine options the happier you (and your bottom line) will be.

Read on for seven tips for building and designing the perfect wine list for your…