Optimizing Your Restaurant Merch Game
4 Min Read By MRM Staff
Merch might a somewhat newer term in a restaurant owner's lexicon, but having a focused merchandising effort can connect a person to a brand as well as be a great way to build awareness and put buts in seats. While someone might want to express their admiration by wearing or displaying brand merch, it's important for those brands to create products that will not simply collect dust in a corner.
So, how can restaurants use merchandise as an effective marketing tool to tap into local brand ambassadors and build awareness?
To learn more about best practices for creating effective merchandise, Modern Restaurant Management (MRM) magazine connected with Greg Kerr, Owner of Alchemy Merch, which has made more than four million custom products for artists, brands, and creatives in all fields. He has guided wineries, breweries, food brands and restaurants, artists and corporate clients through the process of creating quality custom merchandise.
Art and creativity are…
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