Are Kiosks Safer During Coronavirus Outbreak?
3 Min Read By Sam Zietz
Kiosks are coming to restaurants in virtually every community—and sooner than many of us predicted.Until very recently, our company believed that kiosks would go mainstream in two to five years. The coronavirus has sped up the pace of adoption dramatically, and with the pandemic spreading, we are getting more requests than ever to install them at all types of restaurants.
One reason kiosks are catching on so quickly is restaurants need to get things done. City and state mandates have limited restaurants in some cities to takeout and delivery to prevent the spread of the virus. As a result, many restaurants have been forced to lay off all or some of their dining room staff. They are operating with skeleton crews. A kiosk lifts the responsibility for taking orders from the existing team, so they can attend to other duties.
Using a kiosk creates social distance.
Using a kiosk also creates social distance. No longer does a customer have to worry about catching the coronavirus from a…
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