Designing ‘Place’ to Build a Culture of Upselling

Mastering the art of the upsell is vital for maximizing the profitability of your restaurant. The truth is, however, that upselling is often far from your average employee’s mind as they’re busy serving guests. Providing great customer service simply requires juggling so many different things at once - remembering to offer an appetizer or dessert, or to remind guests of a new promotion, can often go out the window.Managers often use things like sales competitions between servers to drive upsells, but these methods can be a drain on managers’ time and thus difficult to keep up with. In the long-term, you will see a better return from complementing this active approach with a well-designed culture of upselling. With this culture in place, you can consistently encourage your employees to maximize profitability even when you don’t have the time to incentivize upselling directly.

In this post, we’ll focus on concrete steps you can take to design an environment that contributes to…