Game Changing News for Brands’ Media Mix
5 Min Read By MRM Staff
Restaurant brands need to pay attention to evolving media consumptions in order to better engage with potential customers, according to results of a year-long study conducted by Digital Turbine in collaboration with Qrious Insight.While 91 percent of people use social media, the report finds that, among QSR brand consumers, nearly four in ten social users actually spend more time playing mobile games than they do on social media. The report concludes that if QSR brands had reached the Mobile Gaming-First segment as effectively as social audiences, they would have boosted reach across the entire QSR audience by 18 percent
“Media measurement for advertising must go beyond simply understanding how many people use different platforms and dig deeper into what they are doing and why," said Andrew Moffatt, CEO of Qrious Insight. "This report dissects how different types of media engagement can deeply impact the effective reach of your advertising. While you might think you are reaching…
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