Don’t Over Season the Season: Dispensing a Palatable Serving of Holiday Tunes

Ahh the holidays ...There are lists upon lists. Malls are a veritable decathlon of registers and gift wrap. We’ve all been there, caught up in the frenetic flurry. Perhaps it’s time we capitalize on the mistletoe-induced madness and reconsider the restaurant experience. Truth be told, restaurants are the perfect place to quell the heightened anxiety and provide diners with a relaxing respite during the rush. 


So how can restaurateurs curate a seasonal sanctuary for hurried droves of shoppers? Music is incredibly important to the dining experience, especially during the holidays. Yes, restaurants have a revered "experience" to protect. The key is finding the right holiday recipe and serving up songs with mindful moderation.


The RecipeMy advice? Think of holiday music styles as you would restaurant styles. If you’ve decided that holiday music has a place in your dining experience, determine not only how much music, but also look more specifically at genres and styles…