Delivery Fraud: Fighting Scams to Protect Your Restaurant
5 Min Read By MRM Staff
Restaurant operators need to be aware of a number of scams that food delivery apps are dealing with now including:
Promotional abuse - Bad actors using advanced fraud technology to abuse promos like “15% off when you sign up†Driver fraud - Verified drivers doing things like renting out their accounts to illegitimate drivers or spoofing their location Collusion - Harder to spot because most of the fraud happens off the app but can include a person ordering food, the driver delivering it and then the customer claiming they never got the food to get a refundTo learn more about these frauds and what restaurant operators can do to protect their businesses, Modern Restaurant Managemet (MRM) magazine reached out to Andre Ferraz, co-founder and CEO of Incognia, which provides next-generation identity solutions designed to enable secure and seamless digital experiences.
What are some common fraud activities you are seeing that affect restaurants?In 2023, over 1.5 million…
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