It’s All Ad-ing Up: The Ins and Outs of Outdoor Advertising for the Food & Beverage Industry

At a time when emerging technologies and the proliferation of mobile devices has opened up a wide range of new channels to deliver targeted messaging to increasingly savvy consumers, one venerable format continues to maintain its position of importance on the advertising landscape: outdoor advertising. From traditional billboards and wallscapes, digital signage and interactive digital displays, transit advertising and mobile billboards, to storescapes and in-window displays, outdoor signage offers a unique canvas upon which to deliver eye-opening and attention-grabbing elements.

Outdoor advertising is prime real estate for creative and often groundbreaking displays, special events, promotions, and is the only media format that has continued to move forward and grow year after year. Unlike traditional ad platforms, where consumers can simply fast forward through television commercials or change the channel on the radio (and even newer ad space, where it’s usually possible to skip…