Processors and Online Ordering Platforms Are the Perfect Pairing
2 Min Read By Kyle Bagley
It's not secret the world is becoming increasingly mobile. In fact, in 2016, the popularity of mobile devices overtook traditional PCs for the first time ever. Tablet sales outpaced desktops and web searches performed on mobile devices outnumbered those run from PCs.
It has become essential for even the most traditional face-to-face businesses to cater to mobile device users.
It has become essential for even the most traditional face-to-face businesses to cater to mobile device users. The phrase, “There’s an app for that.” has become a cliché — because it’s true. There is an app for just about anything you can think of. Having an app related to your business might not guarantee success, but not having one will definitely hold you back.
Many companies are finding that one of the most lucrative modern marketing strategies is to partner with mobile app developers. Often, these partnerships prove to be beneficial for both parties, increasing revenue and reach while reducing…
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