Message from USHG’s Danny Meyer: Enlightened Leadership is Needed Now
4 Min Watch
In a video message to members of the Union Square Hospitality Group family, CEO Danny Meyer announced company layoffs and called on the industry and goverment to work together to provide enlightened leadership in this time of crisis.
In a company statement, Meyer wrote:
"In the 35-year history of Union Square Hospitality Group, this is, without a doubt, the most challenging period any of us has ever encountered as leaders. Reconciling who we are as a people-first company with this brutal moment is nearly impossible.
We’ve successfully led through and weathered 9/11 and the financial crisis of 2008, but at no other point has there been such a sustained and massive dual threat to both the physical safety and economic livelihoods of our people, or the hospitality industry as a whole. We’ve always endeavored to put our people first, and so to conduct such a massive layoff of our cherished colleagues today leaves me gutted. Never could I have fathomed a time where the only path…
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