Why Do Some Restaurants Make It and Some Don’t?

Why do some restaurants make it and some don’t?

In my 30 years in the restaurant industry, I've heard that phrases many times.

Another question might be, what is the biggest difference between a successful chain or franchise and a struggling independent restaurant.

So, what makes the difference?

Operating with a budget, no question. The big guys are doing it, and love 'em or hate 'em, they are consistently opening new stores in big fancy locations all while operating at their full profit potential.

Successful restaurants chains and fast growing franchises achieve this by looking at their numbers daily.   Not just looking but using the tools to make everyday actions.

Restaurant managers don't need to be bogged down with hours of paper work every day to see if they are hitting their numbers.  What they need is a quick five-minute snap shot of where they stand now.

Where Do You Stand?Most restaurants get their profit and loss (P&L)) statement after the month closes out, this is…