April Is Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Here are Seven Items Your Restaurant Needs in its Sexual Harassment Policy
3 Min Read By Krista Arnhoelter
Did you know that more sexual harassment claims are filed in the restaurant industry than in any other industry? As many as 90 percent of women and 70 percent of men in the industry reportedly experience some form of sexual harassment, according to the Harvard Business Review.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) in April is an opportunity for restaurant and bar owners to review existing policies and develop new ones. Society Insurance put together seven items restaurants should include in their sexual harassment policy.
Definition of Sexual Harassment in the WorkplaceYour policy must include a clear definition of sexual harassment. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has clear guidelines online to use in your policy. Discuss different scenarios and give various examples of what constitutes sexual harassment or does not constitute sexual harassment. Employees may have a different idea of what is considered sexual harassment.
ScopeYour sexual harassment…
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