Restaurant Solutions: How to Track Expenses the Smart Way

When it comes to running your restaurant, your expenses are probably one of your biggest headaches. If they get out of control, you’re in the red. Yet, it can be challenging to stay on top of them with so many other tasks to take care of. Here’s how to ensure that you manage and track your expenses like a boss.

1. Use Restaurant-Specific SoftwareIt’s a lot more challenging to stay on top of restaurant expenses if you’re using a spreadsheet to log them. Accounting software is really affordable these days, and some are geared specifically toward restaurants, and include features like inventory management and purchase order management.

If you use inventory software (in addition to or as part of your accounting software), your expenses are recorded as soon as you place an order for more artichokes. And your point-of-sale system can link up to your inventory and ordering systems so that, when someone orders the second-to-last ribeye, you automatically put in an order for more.
