The Re’Colonel’ization of KFC
3 Min Read By Barbara Castiglia
Many icons are etched in memory, but only one is fried into it: Colonel Harland Sanders, the beloved founder and brand ambassador of Kentucky Fried Chicken (now KFC) who died in 1980.
Thanks in part to franchisee input, KFC is in the process of remodeling approximately 70 percent of its U.S. restaurants as one facet of a turnaround strategy focused on going back to the basics and returning to the core values Sanders symbolizes.
This re’colonel’ization effort has provided the brand with 13 consecutive quarters of same-store sales growth.
The strategy is not about looking back, but a recipe for success emphasizing innovation and brand authenticity, Brian Cahoe, KFC U.S. chief development officer, stressed with Modern Restaurant Management (MRM) magazine.
“This really makes me proud,” he said. “We are rolling out a sharper, more relevant image of asset design that elevates the brand innovation and pushes forward for franchisees and customers. Everything we are doing we are…
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