Pass Your Restaurant Inspection with This Five-Star Program

No one, including crack restaurant inspector Jeff Nelken, likes looking under refrigerators for yesterday's forgotten dirt, filth and food particles shoved underneath by busy feet. He does it religiously though, two or three times a day, 300 days a year. Like every food safety inspector, Nelken has horror stories that could make toes curl. But his proudest tales are of bringing a filthy restaurant back from the dead or helping a five-star restaurant avoid a failing grade or "closed" sign in its window.

Nelken is a premier food safety coach who has invented a Five-Star Inspection Program. This fast, thorough process helps his clients learn to use self-inspection as a path to self-reliance. He believes that too many owners rely solely on third-party auditors and health department inspectors to do their jobs for them. A better way, he advises, is to build food safety and pride into every restaurant activity.

Star 1: Assign ResponsibilityDesignate responsibility to one person for ensuring…