Buying and Selling: Restaurants Rebound to Pre-Pandemic Market, But Interest Rates Remain a Challenge
3 Min Read By Bryan Vitagliano
The restaurant industry has been put through a meat grinder the last three years with pandemic lockdowns in 2020 and inflation and labor issues dominating most of 2021 and 2022. This year was the first year that restaurant owners had a chance to breathe and get their business back to baseline after spending the last two years recovering from pandemic losses. The recovery in the restaurant industry means that restaurant owners looking to sell their business in 2020, but couldn’t due to the pandemic economy plummeting restaurant values can finally sell in 2023. However, high-interest rates are pushing some prospective buyers out of the market who can’t pay with cash.
The restaurant industry is back to normal. Your average restaurant owner is going to have two solid years of tax returns showing steady growth and increased revenues which they can show to buyers as proof that their restaurant increased in value. If you are looking to sell your restaurant right now there is going to be…
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