Five F&B Business Agility Lessons Hard-Learned Amid the COVID-19 Catastrophe
5 Min Read By Hari Abburi
Mission critical elements of operational agility and what they ‘mean’ for individual restaurant, food service and hospitality businesses, and the industry at large, in the post-pandemic era
If there’s one thing the global restaurant and F&B community at large has learned from the COVID-19 pandemic that continues to ebb, flow and unfold on the daily, wreaking having on bottom lines in every corner of the world in its wake, it’s the outright imperative for hospitality companies to be agile “from top to bottom.”
In fact, agility is rapidly establishing itself as “the great equalizer,” asserting its unbridled authority over which companies—from global conglomerates to mom and pops...and everything in between—will survive another day.
While business agility has always been a key driver and benchmark of notably successful operations, now more than ever it’s become abundantly clear that a business’s ability to rapidly (and accurately) assess a situation and then…
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