Improving Restaurant Employee Accountability
3 Min Read By Sam Molony
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, restaurant owners scrambled to adjust to new laws, procedures and safeguards. For many, it meant shutting their doors temporarily or operating with reduced staff. If good help was already hard to find, then the pandemic exacerbated that challenge.
Now that most restaurants have opened their doors, they’re realizing that the landscape has changed. There are fewer customers, more takeout, and a lot of new faces in the industry. Owners and managers can struggle with keeping their teams accountable and up the standards they expect. Here are some ways to do so.
1. Clearly Define Responsibilities The tone you set from the interview and throughout training will dictate the level of dedication your new hire provides. If you’re aloof and show them you don’t care so much about the details, then chances are they’re going to follow your lead.
On the flip side, if you spend the time to train them right with a powerful sense of responsibility and attention…
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