Restaurant Data by Segment

Restaurant data is a resource every operator should be mining, no matter their segment.

Restaurant Data —what an open-ended term! If you're a restaurant operator, you've likely encountered it by now. In practice, analyzing and applying restaurant data can seem a bit overwhelming. After all, restaurants, no matter their size, generate untold amounts of data every day, from the number of napkins they keep in stock to their average party size and sale. That's a massive amount of info!

In reality, restaurant data is a resource every operator should be mining, no matter their segment. And you don't need to be an expert with numbers or sacrifice precious time to do it. We've broken this article down into four primary restaurant segments to illustrate the significant "data generators" and how you can track that data. Since all restaurants are unique, remember that you can "mix and match" here and that these data points aren't mutually exclusive to one segment. This article should serve as…