Seven Wasteful Sins: How You’re Losing Profits on Draft Beer Sales

If you’ve ever been to a block party with a few kegs of beer, you’ve seen the party host “shake the keg” to determine when it’s time to tap another. This measurement process is good enough for the neighborhood, but no way to run a business in the age of technology and analytics. Yet, this is how many bar managers still manage their inventory; as if it is 1995.

Draft beer is often the highest-margin menu item and the situation results in pouring significant profit down the drain. Let’s examine average waste at 20 percent per keg. On a 20-tap bar, this translates to 26,000 wasted pints per year. At $5 per pint, you’re potentially looking at $130,000 in missed revenue annually.

Draft beer waste is impossible to manage when you don’t know where or when it’s occurring or the solutions available to help you better identify what’s left in each keg - providing the data needed to make informed purchasing decisions on what to stock, what to serve, and how to price it.
