Are You Letting Fear Slow Your Business Down?

Owning your own business can be a dream come true. It is exceptionally rewarding when you feel like you are in control of your future.  Your plan is in place and you are committed to working your plan through to success. Despite all of the moving pieces involved in building a new location, you are "on it" every step of the way. 

But what if you’re not actually "on it?"  Doubt, fear, and paralysis can keep you stuck.

You don’t know what to do so you do nothing. With precious time ticking away, you know you have to do something so you act (or react). Worse than spending more precious time and energy second-guessing yourself is self-sabotage:  actually doing something that has far-reaching or long-lasting effects on the health or even the survival of your company.So what do you need to do to keep from imploding?  For starters, acknowledging that you even have a few fears allows you to take a deep breath and examine why fear is knocking on your door. For business owners…