Working Well with Others – The Multiple Boss and Chain of Command Problems for Millennials

Conflicts, dislikes, and gripes between and among employees are very common and can be some of the most difficult issues for restaurant managers. We see this in our research all the time. Cliques, in particular, are a common problem in the workplace. They always have been. Millennials, brand new to a workplace, are often lured into cliques or otherwise distracting personal relationships by one social ring-leader or another. As one Millennial put it: “My boss was sort of non-present most of the time at work. I got most of my cues from the other people I was working with. One of the ladies at work, I connected with her right away. She told me who was cool and who to stay away from. I would definitely say we became friends.” When this happens, the young employee’s focus is drawn away from the work and onto personal and social machinations. How can managers deal with this problem?


When Millennials say that their most important relationship at work is with their immediate manager…