Pride and Prejudice: Bridging the Gap Between Food and Technology
2 Min Read By Judith Goldstein
“This condemnation of technology is ingratitude, that's what it is.”- Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values
There is a very strange phenomenon between food and technology that has swept our mindsets and dictated our attitudes. It’s an idea that food and technology are not related, in fact, some would say, they are adversaries. This socially shared viewpoint is motivated by two things: one, is that most of the associations we have with food technology, are negative and two, the media perpetuates this deep rooted belief. In fact, this recent article identifying the boom of high tech startups in Silicon Valley as the root cause of restaurant closures in the area, is a great example of technology being portrayed as the big bad wolf trying to destroy the food chain.
The truth of the matter is food and technology are much more intertwined than we ever give it credit for.
Should the industry be on high alert?
Well, the truth of the…
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