Writing a New Chapter in Crisis Communication
8 Min Read By Adam Chandler
Communication styles have never been as important to our employees and customers during this unprecedented time. Over the last month we've seen companies take on different communication strategies in a day-by-day changing marketplace.From our observation, we've seen brands and their business stakeholders communicate in one of three ways:
Business as usual. No evident change in marketing or communication strategy. COVID-19 proactive communication. This includes integrating the brand into this new reality while providing consumer awareness of the considerations and accommodations to serve customers. No communication.To further understand how different brands are communicating in this time of crisis, let’s hear from some leading companies in the food service industry. Below are excerpts from my conversation with Landon Eckles, CEO & Co-Founder of Clean Juice, and Renee Israel, Chief Franchise Officer of Modern Restaurant Concepts, which features the Modern Market Eatery &…
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