How Subtle Decor Can Really Make Your Space Stand Out

Did you know that, on average, Americans spend 93 percent of their lives indoors? The statistic may come as a surprise, but it shows how important it is to prioritize interior design and pay attention to even the smallest details of a room. 

A common misconception with interior design - especially for public spaces - is that more is best. How many restaurants have you been in that have art on every wall, clashing patterns, and a general busy aesthetic? Plenty, no doubt.

This all plays into the fact that humans experience their environment five ways: senses, time and movement, reasoning, emotions, and anticipation. When decorating a space then, these modes of processing have to be taken into consideration.

It’s all about balance -  rather than overloading people’s perception of a space, subtlety can go a long way. In fact, subtle decor can help better convey a room’s purpose, its proportions, and facilitate the visual flow. 

Let’s dive deep into how to execute subtle…